If you have not stored up food and water for an emergency or a disaster, this article could be a lifesaver for you and your family.

Is your reason or excuse for not being prepared the same one used by well over 300 million other Americans? The two most widely claimed excuses are, procrastination and finances, then there’s those with their heads in the sand or cyber clouds. Oh, almost forgot the 60+% that truly believe there is no reason what so ever to prepare period. Disasters? Those things happen anywhere but here in my backyard and besides, I’ll worry about it when it happens.

If you’re in the “not likely will happen” camp, you must be or were living in the outback with no connection to the outside world. It’s no longer a matter of what the disaster will be but rather when one will occur. As I’m writing this article Hurricane Harvey is bearing down on South Texas, and many coastal residents interviewed by news reporters, expressed doubt regarding the severity of the storm and the media’s expressed urgency regarding immediate evacuation of the coast. If my memory serves me correctly, it is the very same scenario regarding skeptics of Katrina’s forecast, resulting in 1,800 deaths.

Most Americans are oblivious about the plethora of pending disasters unrelated to predictable weather conditions such as hurricanes, tornados, rain and snow storms, floods, and even droughts can be forecasted. Recently Geologists are reporting earthquake activity across the entire country with tremors recorded from all major faults. There are over 400 tremors recorded daily in a 400-sq. Mile area of one of the largest dormant volcanos in the world, Yellowstone National Park. Now, not so dormant according to volcanologists. Most of this information is withheld or suppressed to prevent major panic in the affected regions. Such as the fact that Mt. Rainer is also active and swelling as did Mt. St. Helen before its eruption, however, the experts say it will be five times worst because of the lava cork holding back a potential early eruption. National Geographic has produced a video depicting the potential destruction of such an event, and a similar documentary on the potential destruction of Yellowstone’s super volcano.

Much talked about in the past regarding the San Andres Fault as a major threat to millions of Californians. However, a discovery has taken precedence. The New Madrid Fault is not new, to Geologist who have studied this area around the Mississippi and Ohio rivers for decades. Recently, unprecedented activity has sparked such a concern that it’s potential for destruction could be ten times worse than San Andres fault. Based upon geologic predictions, the US Navy has drawn up new water navigation maps of the US predicting the resulting math which depicts a resulting shipping lane from the Gulf of Mexico to Lake Michigan following the current course of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers.

Why can’t these findings and predictions be shared the news media? A major reason is their intrinsic irresponsibility, hype, drama, and exaggeration of pending events. What would be the results of a major panic of a vast sector of the population? If the results were vast migrations out of an affected area, where would they go, or more accurately, where could they go?

Another natural disaster that has the potential of eradicating over two-thirds of this countries population is an EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) from a sun flare or a neutron bomb detonated 30-40 miles above the US on either the east or west coast. Most American do not have a clue what an EMP is until it shuts down the grid- and they are in darkness for months or even years. An EMP attack also disables everything with electronic circuitry like cell phones, computers, cars, planes trains, boats, etc. Welcome back to the horse and buggy era.

What I have given as samples to this point are enough to end civilization as we know it and yet I have not talked about the imminent collapse of our dollar and economy, civil war or WW-III, a major pandemic or terrorist attack.

How many more possibilities need I mentioned before I sound like a Doomsday profit or Fear Porn Purveyor or Monger. O, fine, pick just one! Then ask yourself this simple question, “Do I have enough food to last me at least one month?” Do you believe the grocery store will have any food left after one day following a major disaster? If it is a prolonged disaster, will you survive two or three months? What about protecting what you do have from looters and those that wish to do you great bodily harm to attain what you have? How long will the food you now have in your cupboards last? Water? What about when the water stops flowing from your taps? Three to 4 days without water, your no more!

If it were possible to know you only had 1-2 weeks to collect enough food to last three years, do you have the means or knowledge to know how to do so? Well, that is exactly why I’m writing this article, to tell you how to accomplish this.

For just $109.00 and a seven gal bucket with n air-tight, water-tight lid, you can have enough healthy food that will store easily for 15-20 years and provides two generous meals per day ($0.14 per meal) 50-lbs of long grain rice and 45-lbs of Pinto beans. (From Costco or other warehouse store or food club). Now all you need is pots and a wood camping stove or Solar Sun Oven and utensils. Last but not least, either water or a device that will purify polluted water.

So you don’t go crazy eating plain beans and rice, stock up on a large variety of spices and cans of tuna, chicken, beef, Spam, etc. to add more protein and variety to the beans and rice meals.

Source by Douglas Hoover

By Donald

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