Going through your local electric company (or on the grid) is much less expensive than trying to set up and plug into wind generators, but in the long run you will save money by using the wind for your renewable energy needs-at the same time becoming more independent (off the grid). As you will also find, not getting an electric bill while still having the benefits of an electrically-driven lifestyle is an unbelievable feeling.

Electric and fuel bills are progressively rising-but the cost of wind turbine energy is absolutely zero and the cost of constructing and hooking up a wind generator is quickly coming down as demand rises. Commercial success is being recognized by numerous companies producing solar turbines and researching technologies to make them ever more efficient.

Additionally, people are moving away from long-established electrical grids and fossil fuels for individual reasons including wanting to ‘go green’ for the environment, greater independence and concerns such as fears of terrorist strikes on oil fields or utilities. Yet again, this drive to get away from typical energy sources is the same thing that causes us to seek the power of the wind for our energy. This gives businesses more opportunities to profit from solar wind generator production and maintenance, which drives their costs down for users.

In nearly thirty states (as of this writing), homeowners who remain on the grid but who are using wind energy as well (or other alternative forms) qualify for rebates or tax breaks from the government that end up paying for as much as 50% of their total alternate energy systems’ costs. An even greater benefit is that there are 35 states at the time of this writing in which homeowners are able to sell their excess energy back to the utility company! The rates being paid by the local power companies for this energy are usual retail rates-in other words, the homeowners are actually making money from their own energy production. Some lawmakers are pushing to get the federal government to mandate these tax breaks and give other wind power incentives in all 50 states. Japan and Germany already have national motivation programs in place. These and other advantages are all the more reason you should consider your very own solar wind generator.

Source by Lee Overton

By Donald

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